

YourAcademy0 LessonsSENSECombining the wisdom of meditation, embodiment practices, mental health physiotherapy, and expert guidance in recovery and addiction support—compassionately addressing patterns of addiction to stress or external validation—this course offers

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Society and Devotion2Depth

TITTI PAULINADevotion 2 Depth Lesson 16Module 6: Society and Devotion2Depth Society and Devotion2DepthPrevious These recordings are not meant for the mind. They are an invitation to remember to turn inwards and to sense.

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3 minute alternative

TITTI PAULINADevotion 2 Depth Lesson 15Module Five: Sexuality Lovemaking Beyond Programmed Sex3 minute alternativePrevious These videos are by special guests Ester Zazzaro and Steve Hayter.These recordings are not meant for the mind. They

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10 minute alternative

TITTI PAULINADevotion 2 Depth Lesson 14Module Five: Sexuality Lovemaking beyond programmed sex10 minute alternativePrevious These recordings are not meant for the mind. They are an invitation to remember to turn inwards and to

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Module 5: Sexuality

TITTI PAULINADevotion 2 Depth Module Five: Sexuality4 LESSONSStart ModuleThese videos are by special guests Ester Zazzaro and Steve Hayter. These recordings are not meant for the mind. They are an invitation to

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